Academic Sequence
9th grade year:
Ninth grade focuses on developing a foundation of academic and organizational skills necessary for success with both classes and Regents exams. Students start the English Language Arts, LOTE (Spanish), and Global History sequences and take Biology (with Lab) that concludes with Regents Exams, as well as Physical Education or Navy JROTC classes. 9th grade students complete a double period math class of Algebra I to form a strong foundation for a four-year Math sequence. Students also take a literacy focused Career Development that includes sessions with peer leaders from Peer Group Connections (PGC).
10th grade year:
Sophomores start their Career & Technical Education (CTE) sequence with Career & Financial Management and Business Technology Applications, including Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exams in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint in CertiPort. Students complete additional courses that conclude with Regents exams in Algebra II, Global History, and Earth & Space Science, as well as Health. They continue the English Language Arts, Physical Education, and Career Development sequences. Qualified students may take AP African American Studies for early college credit, as well as other electives, such as Astronomy, Graphic Art, and Personal Finance.
11th grade year:
Juniors continue the CTE sequence in Entrepreneurship, partnering with the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) and learning the facets of setting up a business and completing Regents courses and exams in English Language Arts and U.S. History and Geometry. Students also take a Chemistry science lab course, Visual Arts, and Physical Education. Eligible students may qualify for AP English Literature, AP U.S. History and/or CollegeNow classes at BMCC and John Jay College or for internships. Career Development focuses on SAT exam preparation and college exploration.
12th grade year:
Seniors delve deeply into the college admissions and career exploration process with College Seminar with the Director of College Counseling. Students will complete credit requirements in all subject areas. Semester-long classes in Economics and Participation in Government allow students to study both a community and a global civic policy issue more deeply, including a long research paper. Qualified students can select advanced classes in AP English Language & Composition, AP Spanish, and AP Psychology, as well as College Now classes. All students complete four years of math with AP Precalculus or Statistics.
In CTE, seniors have a choice of two state-approved CTE pathways: the Entrepreneurship pathway provides students with first-hand experience running a business in the Virtual Enterprise program, culminating in a NOCTI industry certification exam. The Business Administration pathway provides Sports Management and Sports Event Management courses and culminates in a Precision Sports Marketing exam. A Work-based Learning (WBL) experience is required in both pathways.